Linda I am writing you because you are a dear friend and I am so loving you and proud with you of your daughter Tina.
This Book! This BOOK!
(please send this onto Tina for me)
this book had been an inspiration on so many levels, excitingly and somewhat ridiculously I write to you. (Ill try not to bounce around too much.)
How do I start……………
I a woman of many dreams and little accomplishments have been writing books, I have a few half written never to be published books that I always dreamed of finishing, but my own opinion would change on the matter before I finished the book and I would find myself re writing the entire inspiration. LOL.
Any way recently I (once again) have been asking myself who I want to be when I want to grow up. when My dear friend and sister (your Mom) Linda, told me about this book. THAT YOU FINISHED!I blinked a couple of times and was proud of another person near by that did it! Good for you! and for your Mom!
It was in the back of my mind and now on my face book, like a constant tapping on the shoulder.
Next day I came to work and the dear lady across from me had the book in her hand, as I was typing, I overheard the girls talking about it, when I realized she was actually reading “the book” lol. I poked my head up and asked, “You HAVE the book?” Its here?” I couldnt wait to see it, I was envious , and wanted to sniff all the details of the book, how it was bound, what size, what art work, (lol, I’m laughing as I write, I’m just so dramatic. )
Anyway I quickly flipped through it and didn’t want to show my over dramatic feelings in front of everyone, I was so proud of you and wanted to help you market it to everyone I knew, I hadn’t read it and didn’t intend to, I am married and to me the book was already an achievement, the wristband was great and it was Perfect! An inspiration, so…….. I bought one right away. My plan was to put it on a shelf and look at it daily to remind me it CAN be done.
I told my husband about the book, eagerly wanting more from life and ready to write another chapter (didn’t realize it would be this email) JK.
OK OK…… the reason I am really writing is where the inspirational story takes a twist. I have a daughter named Ashley, she is 16 and beautiful, and has been going through this ridiculous relationship with the most incompatible boy, thinking she was in love she took to rebellion and caused much grief in the household, but to no end she would have her love. TODAY 10-05-09, Ashley came home from school with the most frustrated and pissed off look on her face. HE LEFT HER FOR HER BEST FRIEND!
she was broken and lonely and had NO-ONE to talk to about it, and because Mom didn’t approve of the boy in the first place, she certainly couldn’t talk to me. That’s when the book came in the mail box.
I came in and paraded it around as if it was the answer to my prayers, the motivation that I needed, I sniffed it, took it apart, and began to read it. I looked over at my broken daughter and I tossed it at her, i said here, read this! (mind you she is NOT speaking to me at this point!)she sat it down and said NO! I’m not reading this.
she sat it down on the table across the room. Later, Ashley came to me and asked if she could sit with me and snuggle (first real sign of my lovely daughter that I had seen in weeks)
I made her read a page of the book as her legs layed on my lap. She began to read. I urged her to turn the page and read more, before I knew it we were half way through the book. My heart was not only amazed at the closeness we were sharing, but the learning she was getting and the reality to me that this wasn’t just a book, it was you in there and it was helping us both.
At her pace she read the entire book we laughed and cried together and were shocked at the confirmation that was so perfect for this moment. For her and I.
The book will sit on my shelf, and the band on Ashleys wrist.
I thank you for giving Tina a dream, I thank you that she is close enough to give me a dream,I thank you for my dear friend Linda who I keep a special place in my heart for. and I’m glad we are all in this together somehow. Lord, I thank you for the healing this book began in my daughter and the bonding that it created today.
Tamara Perazzo
Put Your Faith In Action
Christian Center
Desert Hot Springs